Igor pro guess coefficient
Igor pro guess coefficient

Note that now my downsample_for_export function returns a tuple of time and data so that the downsampled time can be used for plotting purposes. to_excel ( filename, index = False, sheet_name = "Downsampled data" ) from_items ( zip ( columns, data_ds )) df. timeSeriesList (): t_ds, d_ds = downsample_for_export ( channel, tpoint ) if not data_ds : data_ds. getDouble ( None, "Time per point", "Time per point", 1 ) columns = data_ds = for channel in data. reshape ( - 1, n ), 1 )) tpoint = QInputDialog. mean () n = int ( time_per_point / tdelta ) end = n * int ( len ( d ) / n ) return ( np. Import numpy as np import pandas as pd from iolite.QtGui import QFileDialog, QInputDialog def downsample_for_export ( channel, time_per_point ): d = channel. What are the errors and warnings iolite is telling me about?.Using iolite's new Selection Checker tool.Using iolite 3/Igor Pro's color tables in iolite 4.Using a polygonal ROI as a clipping mask.Inserting Timestamps into Old Agilent Files.Getting and manipulating the required data.Synchronizing individual laser log samples.Pb concentration calculations and TotalPb_ppm.The Non-Linearity of the Age Equation and when you might notice it.Calculating major elements as weight % oxide.Getting element data and oxide-to-element factors.Coverting ppm channels to weight % oxide.

igor pro guess coefficient

Replacing values matching some criteria.Using IsoplotR to plot the concordia age.Using IsoplotR to calculate a concordia age.Doing the calculation for all selections.Creating Scatterplot Matrices using Pandas.A quick correlation matrix as a heatmap.Examining Covariance and Correlation in iolite.Transforming laser data into channels and results.


  • Accessing session data from 3rd party software.
  • igor pro guess coefficient

  • Downsampling and exporting time series data.
  • Split selection into several sub selections.
  • Creating selections based on some arithmetic.
  • igor pro guess coefficient

    Adjusting all the selections in a group.

    Igor pro guess coefficient